Tag Archives: Domino’s Pizza

In the case of Domino’s Pizza: A commentary

20 Apr

It’s that time of year again, folks.

I find that I have to have “the talk” with my friends every time this happens. In case you were out of the country, two “employees” of Domino’s Pizza committed the crime of food tampering, and posted a video on YouTube.

I won’t post the video because it is too disgusting.

Suffice it  to say, executives at Domino’s  acted swiftly to quash the problem. They fired both employees and pressed charges against them. The president of the company,  Patrick Doyle  released a video on YouTube offering his apologies, and asked for the public’s understanding. The company also opened up a Twitter account so the public can follow any updates concerning this case.

As a public relations student,  I believe the company is on the right track. But, they have a long road ahead of them.  The two individuals involved in this case not only did damage to the individual store and its owner, but did damage to the entire franchise at a time when the public’s view of corporations are shaky at best.

These two people violated a social contract– we patronize your company, and in turn, you provide us with a good or a service that is free from defects.  It is an understood trust that is vital for any business to succeed.  Without it,  business cannot be conducted, and the retailer-customer relationship breaks down.

I believe that more can be done to get Domino’s through this. One is to keep open the lines of communications with the public. Another is to reiterate the company’s sanitation policies. Lastly, raise the rates of hourly employees and hire older workers. Theses steps may work, but they won’t work if the people they hire lack  pride in a job well done, and a sense of responsibility to the public.

Unfortunately, that is something we seem to see less and less of these days. These people were both over the age of 25, so you would think they would know better.  These two showed such a contempt for their customers, that it shocked even an old pro like me.  I’ve never seen anything like it. Apathy and lack of respect is something no corporation can fix. It has to come from within.

I don’t know why this behavior is pervasive in fast-food establishments. The public has a right to be wary; after all, if you continue to hear and see reports of how individuals bathe in sinks designed for cleaning pots, or people farting on sandwiches, you’d be suspect of any carry-out. I think that this is a sign of a growing lack of respect and common decency for that we now have for one another.  The act of tampering with someone’s food is glorified in the movies and in the practical-joke shows that is considered entertainment these days. The yahoos that perpetrated this crime seemed oblivious to the ramifications of their youthful hi-jinks.  We’ve also lost a sense of empathy, how else can you explain the actions of those persons in the spotlight for committing these actions. It’s almost like they forgot how they would feel if the same crime had been committed against them.

This is something that Domino’s cannot fix. This is a societal ill that can only be cured by example. Unfortunately, the owner of that particular Domino’s may learn this by the loss of his business. It’ s a shame, too.  Will I still eat Domino’s pizza? Yes. Did I eat Wendy’s chili after the whole finger incident? Yes.  Why? Call it sympathy. I know there are thousands of people who make an honest living at these places. People who support their families by making pizza and wings for us.

So if you are on the fence about eating at Domino’s, don’t be. Go back when you are ready, but go back. You’ll save someone’s job.  If you have friends that think this kind of crap is funny,  correct them. It’s not funny. In this economy, we all need to work.  Don’t penalize the pizza guy because some bumpkins thought it would be funny to play with someone’s food.  Give the smackdown on those who perpetrate these acts.

**Note: I’ve never worked for Domino’s Pizza. As a matter of fact, when I applied for a job there, they wouldn’t hire me ( wrong kind of experience).